An ideal urban farm can be integrated anywhere without being disruptive to its environment. We’ve always mentioned how urban farms are adaptable through the application of the right technology and here we’ve compiled a list of suitable places to start your urban farm.
In this article, we bring you some ideas on where you can place your first (or second) urban farm:
1. Integrate urban farming into school gardens
Most commercially available produce is sourced from rural areas. This has created a disconnect between urban folk and their food.
Under the Transformasi Sekolah 2025 (TS25) programme initiated by the Malaysian government, schools are aiming to close this gap. This is possible as the programme aims to educate Malaysia’s students by providing a fun learning environment, application of meaningful lessons and a strong commitment to the community.
Under the TS25 programme, Urban Farm Tech support schools by integrating urban farms into that can be used into a student’s curriculum. These school-based urban farms are used to educate students on food growth and production.

2. Incorporate urban farming into buildings, both indoors and outdoors
Think urban farming and we immediately picture vegetables growing out of white plastic tubes under bright lights. But did you know, offices are also able to incorporate urban farming technology as part of their interior design? In New York, this company even encourages employees to harvest their own vegetables from their office urban farm!
Through close collaboration between property developers, architectural and agricultural experts, urban farms can be integrated into the with urban farming. Organizations looking to support sustainability practices can choose to incorporate urban farming into their projects.
3. Start an urban farm in your home space
Unused space in your home can be converted into a small urban farm area. Home urban farms produce organic crops free from pesticides. You have control of the plants you grow.
It can provide food security during uncertain times because plants from urban farms are able to grow all year round. You may opt to start your urban farm on balconies, rooftops, house gardens in your home area.

4. Share vacant land in housing areas as community gardens
If you live in an area with patches of unused land, you may convert the land into edible gardens. In Malaysia, communities come together to grow edible gardens. Produce from this garden is shared among contributing members.
This is a great way to utilize small pieces of land among common areas in housing areas. However, before you start do ensure that you have the adequate permission to use the space from your community and/or local authorities.
5. Design urban landscapes with urban farming technology
Cities are not prepared for food shortages. By integrating urban farming technology into urban spaces, access of urban folk to fresh food will increase.
Interestingly, we have a ready resource of building walls. Propped against walls, urban farms can be used to provide not only urban greenery but also a source of food.
6. Maximize crop production on commercial agriculture land
Traditional agriculture requires massive land space to produce food commercially. However, land space is a limited resource and the demand for food does not lessen.
With urban farming technology, farmers are able to maximize crop production through urban farming technology such as aquaponics and vertical farming.

7. Convert old warehouse buildings into indoor vertical farms
Growing food outdoors means that the crops are subject to the weather, temperature and security risks. Ideally, growing food indoors where plants can be monitored in a safe enclosed area would be ideal.
In the past, doing this on a large scale was impossible. But with urban farming technology, warehouse buildings can be converted into indoor urban farms. The wide and uncluttered space of a warehouse makes it easier to design the farm.
A vertical farming system allows plants to be stacked on to one another, maximizing space. Plants under this system thrive because vertical farming technology is able to replicate the outdoor environment.
Want to build an urban farm into your space? Simply reach out to us at or give us a call at +6012 666 7474 and look for Francis.