COVID-19 | Overcome food insecurity through urban farming
On March 16, the Malaysian government announced a 2-week restriction movement order to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It limited movement across the country and meant the closure of non-essential businesses. Confused, many Malaysians wondered about food supply for the coming days.
Panic buying, stockpiling and fear purchasing decisions ensued. People lined up daily at the grocery store to stock up on food and groceries. Even food companies have admitted they cannot cope with the demand.
Food security became a major concern for everyone. Food security is the availability of food and access to it. A person is considered food secure when they do not have to live in or fear hunger.
There are many ways to be food secure and one way is urban farming. Here’s why:
Food Shortages In The Near Future
Research from the 2000s has shown that we would face food shortages by the year 2050. That is exactly 30 years from now!
In more recent news and articles, it is said that by 2025 food shortages would already be a challenge. The world population is increasing, lands are running out, climate change which was once a myth is now an unfortunate reality.
Urban farming can be an alternative food source. When urban areas are cut off from the food supply, urban folk will still have access to fresh, healthy food.
Here are a few benefits of urban farming for food security:
1. Ensures food security during uncertain periods
As mentioned, food security is an issue during the Restricted Movement Orders. The uncertain duration of the order and viral resilience is also cause for worry. But through urban farming, you could provide yourself a viable source of food security.
The nature of urban farming and the tropical Malaysian weather is able to sustain food all year round. It is a good food source while you are at home.
This pandemic virus is a reminder that there are more to come and we should always be prepared.
2. It Is Healthy & Organic!
Plant in your own backyard, rooftop or even balcony through urban farming. You have total autonomy and ownership of how you want your crops to grow. Pesticides and bacteria free guaranteed! This wouldn’t just give you ownership of what you eat but also how healthy it is.
With recent news and videos circulating, vegetables are being made from plastics, poisonous and harmful pesticides are being put into your food. How safe is the food in the world today?

Well, we will never know….
But with urban farming you may guarantee your health and the health of your loved ones.
3. It Is Simple & Convenient To Set Up!
Now, urban farming to you may seem complex to begin but with the right system installed, you will be growing crops like you have green fingers without ever really knowing you had them!

Best part of all, it is customizable according to your surroundings and the space / land you have. You must be already curious how, where and who can you get the simple yet proven system right? Simple! Just give us a call and we will direct them to you!
So let us all join hands to unite against the COVID19 virus and begin your urban farming journey to ultimately curb food shortages! One house at a time and it starts with you!
Reach out to us by email at or give us a call at +6012 666 7474 (Francis).